How Can Drone Videography Help Drive Your Real Estate Sales?

6 Minute Read
Aerial view from a drone video showcasing a row of modern homes with flat and sloped roofs, some with rooftop gardens and solar panels, on a sunny day with clear skies. Lush greenery surrounds the homes and cars are parked alongside the street.
August 17, 2022

Did you know that 83%of home sellers prefer to partner with a real estate agent that uses drone videography in their listings?

A few years ago, capturing striking aerial shots would have been a complex and extremely costly enterprise.

The good news is these days, you can partner with a professional video agency specialising in drone videography to access bespoke and highly-converting drone footage for an affordable price.

Now, you might be wondering whether you really need drone videography to sell properties?

We answer this crucial question in this blog!

Drone footage is a powerful marketing tool for any brand these days.
That’s because there’s something so compelling about aerial shots that they draw viewers in. Think striking aerial shots panning smoothly over enthralling cityscape or landscape, for instance.

Drone footage provides scope and adds movement, intrigue, and interest to your footage. Besides, it brings unique emotions and perspectives to your video content, helping you stand out from your competitors.

And in a world where competition for viewers’ attention is fierce, standing out from the crowd is paramount.

7 Benefits Of Drone Videography In Real Estate

Drone video footage is a particularly effective tool for the real estate industry. In fact, studies show that drone videography can boost real estate deal closing by up to 68%

And if that wasn’t enough to convince you, here are seven additional benefits of using drone videography for real estate.

Visual Storytelling

People don’t buy goods and services. They buy the relations, the stories, and the magic’’ – Seth Godin.

These days, recording a beautiful property with a high-end camera isn’t enough to grab buyers’ attention. To capture their imagination, you need to tell them a compelling story and add a zest of magic to it. You need to provide them with an immersive experience that will allow them to visualize themselves living on the property and enjoying it with their family and friends.

And when it comes to immersive visual storytelling, drone videography is paramount.

That’s because drone videography allows you to add emotional and physical depth to your story. Aerial shots will also help you to scope your story, heighten drama and create seamless transitions between subjects and locations. This way, you can create mesmerising videos that will make your potential buyers feel as though they were right there.

Can Increase The Sale Price Of A Listing

High-quality and compelling video content is king these days.

And several studies support the fact that aerial shots can drive the sales price of a property up and overall help you gain traction with your listings.

In fact, if there’s only one thing you need to take away from this article, it’s the fact that drone footage can boost the value of a property by up to 10%!

What’s more, research shows that drone footage can boost the traffic to your listings by a whopping 403%. And it can also increase your sales by up to 85%.

But that’s not all. Listings featuring drone footage sell 68% faster on average, a compelling argument for using drone footage in your videos.

Drone videography allows you to give a new dimension to your videos and takes your content to the next level. That’s because, with a high-quality drone, you can film footage from angles you couldn’t capture before. And this allows you to incorporate magical panoramas into your videos and give a fresh perspective to your listings.

Provides a High-End Feel

Aerial footage filmed by an experienced and professional drone operator can help you create spectacular cinematic videos and give them the Hollywood glitz!

As mentioned, drone footage helps you set the scene, capture spectacular views from unique perspectives, and create drama, giving your video a bespoke and more immersive feel while elevating them.

Highlight More Property Features

Drone videography is a powerful tool to enhance the appeal of a property. It allows you to highlight key selling points and provide the big picture your buyers need to make a decision.

With drone footage, you’ll be able to highlight important assets such as water features, landscaping, and overall architecture. Besides, drones offer a bird-eye view of an area, allowing prospective buyers to instantly see the neighbourhood. And this, in turn, enables them to spot points of interest, such as beaches or parks, and proximity to the city’s hub.


When someone buys a property, they’ll also buy into a lifestyle. And so naturally, they’ll want to learn more about amenities and natural assets the area offers through your listing.

Whether the properties you sell are located in urban or rural areas, aerial shots allow you to add context and capture beautiful moments that can help tell a compelling story, sell a lifestyle and showcase the location in its best light.

For instance, you could record the sun rising above the property as your drone flies alongside a flock of birds. Or you could film the coastline fringing the property.

Whatever the case may be, drone videography is a great way to encapsulate the surroundings of a property and add context and interest to your listing.

Beat The Competition

According to a study, only 10% of real estate agents use video content effectively when marketing properties.

And while drone videography is gaining traction, many agents are still marketing properties using standard photos and videos.

Creating impactful and captivating videos featuring drone footage will give you the edge over the competition. And it will help you establish yourself as the go-to person for selling properties.

Hiring a Real Estate Drone Videography Company In Melbourne

Ready to elevate your real estate videos?

You need professionals who will capture unique footage and create a compelling story that will resonate with your audience.

At DreamCube Productions, we’re passionate about videography. Our talented videographers and marketing experts are committed to turning your vision into enticing and engaging real estate videos that will drive sales and help establish you at the forefront of the industry. From suburban homes and unused land to large-scale warehouses and commercial premises, our expertise, experience, and high-quality equipment will help you create the perfect real estate video to engage your audience.

So, if you’re looking for an experienced real estate video production agency to help with your next property video, get in touch. We’d love to discuss our drone videography services with you!

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